Fast Website Development using Gutenberg Blocks

Reach your goals faster with Clarity Blocks

Our WordPress websites are scalable, flexible, and easy to update, whatever the budget.

We use our own theme, Clarity Blocks, which is perfect for B2B clients. It makes business-ready websites that look great and are easy to maintain and update.

Clarity Blocks come with built-in features and content modules using the Gutenberg editor. This core setup offers a scalable foundation where you can add more features as your business grows, and it helps you get your site live faster.

You can get an express B2B website designed and built with Clarity Blocks starting at £20,000, delivered in just 4 weeks (pending approvals and review periods). This includes UX design, WordPress development, the Gutenberg editor, and deployment.

No matter your budget, all our sites are built with SEO and performance in mind, giving you a solid and scalable foundation from day one.

Our integrated approach has earned us multiple awards and nominations.



Using Clarity Blocks, we can create core B2B websites from £20,000. 

Includes as standard:

  • Documented development standards + core functional specification
  • UX Sitemap, Content map + wireframe
  • UI design - 1 route (limited to application of logo/palette + font)
  • WordPress CMS with core blocks (client builds out content)
  • ACF, Yoast, CookieYes, Redirection, Stream installed

The flexibility of Clarity Blocks allows for personalization tailored to your needs. Optional add-ons include hosting via WPEngine, retained WordPress maintenance and support, multilingual functionality, content migrations, content strategy and copywriting, SEO and paid marketing support, analytics with KPI mapping and tracking, message testing, UX and accessibility reviews, and ongoing CRO, all designed to optimize the experience of those visiting your website.


The Cybersecurity Business Network brings together cybersecurity companies to network, learn and debate across three key connected pillars – Trade & Export, Government & Policy, and Market Insights.

Following a rebrand, they approached Clarity to redesign and launch a new site that could be deployed quickly and was easy to maintain and update content. 

The site was designed and built using Clarity Blocks.

Check out their new website here.


If you’re interested in finding out more, please get in contact.

Contact our Partner, Digital Experience, Graham




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