Five healthtech startups to watch in 2018 - DiaMonTech, Cera and more

Healthtech is an active and growing sector of the global technology industry, encompassing medicine, life sciences and biotech. It’s arguably one of the areas of technology that has the greatest potential to change the world for the better by improving the lives of millions - if not billions - of people.

Here in the UK, there are several interesting schemes and companies that are pioneering treatments and technologies that can boost the quality of our lives. The government- and EU-backed accelerator launched in 2016, two years after the MedCity scheme created a healthtech cluster in the south east of England. Since then we have seen the emergence of another accelerator in HS Live, a Clarity client that has a unique approach to the way it grows healthtech startups.

But it isn’t just the UK where innovative healthtech services, platforms and products are being created. For example, Medicon Valley spans the Øresund Region of eastern Denmark and southern Sweden and boasts a number of life science companies and research institutions. Elsewhere in the world, the US and China have a strong grounding in healthtech, even if there are some dismissive voices in Silicon Valley who believe digital health is a failed sector due to its lack of unicorns.  

We’ve selected some of the healthtech companies that we think are worth keeping an eye on in 2018 below. However, we should point out that this list is by no means exhaustive, and we’re hopeful that 2018 can be a big year for healthtech in general.

It is also one of Clarity's core areas in that we work with a number of clients in the space. If you want to now more get in touch.


The first company we’ve chosen to highlight is from Germany, and has developed a medical device that non-invasively measures a person's blood glucose level without finger pricking, a drop of blood, or a test strip. DiaMonTech's fast, painless way of testing can help diabetics manage their condition better, as there’s no limit to the number of measurements it can take. With some 400 million people around the world affected by diabetes, the potential DiaMonTech has to change lives for the better is enormous.

Big Health

Big Health is the company behind the Sleepio app, which uses CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) to help users overcome insomnia and associated conditions. Sleepio is clinically proven to help even long-term sufferers overcome insomnia without having to resort to pills or potions, and has the seal of approval from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). Founded in 2010, the organisation describes itself as the world’s first digital medicine company and we predict big things for Big Health in 2018.


Biosay is an app that helps you to track your moods and emotions over time through biometrics, creating a unique ‘bioji’ from data about heart rate, facial expression, voice and environment. By keeping a close check on our emotion, stress, energy and relaxation levels, Biosay can help us to be more aware of how external factors affect our health in real time. Users can also share their biojis so they learn from and empower others by rating and recommending places, brands and experiences that positively affect them.


Cera is a platform that specialises in home care solutions. It helps people select the right care for their loved ones and offers continued support for as long as it is required. The focus is very much on providing the best quality of care and companionship for elderly people and their families. Cera has also created the world’s first social care ‘bot’, Martha, an AI-powered assistant, to help with client care enquiries.


Echo is an app that helps users to get their repeat prescriptions. By simply adding the name of their GP practice and medication, users can get their prescriptions delivered to their door, and even get reminders on when and how to take it. It is designed to help the almost 50% of adults in the UK who have repeat prescriptions to take their medication as directed, cutting down on waste in the NHS. 

If you’re involved in a healthtech company and are interested in what PR services can do for your organisation, please get in touch.


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