2019 Update: We have once again decided to refresh our brand! Check out the new-new branding here.
The eagle-eyed amongst you might have noticed that we have a new brand and new website.
It's been a very long time coming. When we launched Clarity PR back in early 2013, everything was done on a shoestring.
The 'logo' was just text. The website was pulled together in-house. Given we didn't spend a penny on marketing, the results were pretty solid: to the wider world we looked like something resembling a 'proper business'. And it worked: we successfully projected an image of a company that inspired confidence and led to us winning hundreds of clients.
We wholeheartedly embraced the startup mantra of keeping costs to an absolute minimum, and focussing on driving revenue as quickly as possible. The profits were ploughed back into what really matters in any PR agency: hiring the best possible people.
Until now. For the first time in our short history we've committed a small budget to applying a more grownup, professional sheen to our company image. And we're thrilled with the results. We now have a brand and website that properly reflects who we are, and better explains what we do.
The logo features a triangle which is intended to represent our three core service offerings: media expertise, content creation and digital strategy.
When we first started Clarity, we sold a straightforward service that boiled-down to 'we'll get your startup loads of press coverage'.
As the company has grown and matured, the services we deliver have become more nuanced, more complex and more impactful. Executed strategically in tandem, the three core service offerings will amplify and bolster each other's efficacy. As a result, and most importantly, our clients will get a better return on their investment in the PR process.
This blog will, over time, become in itself a resource for startups and tech companies all over the world to learn about tech PR and benefit from the Clarity team's expertise and experience in bringing the biggest ideas to the biggest audiences.
I hope you enjoy it, and welcome any thoughts comments and feedback.
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