Monday at the Labour Party Conference - #Lab16

The economy has dominated Monday at the Labour Party Conference and you can see below for our top policy, quote, picture and tweet of the day. The PI team are in Liverpool for the Conference and follow us @Politicalintel for our take on the event.

Policy of the day

McDonnell announces £10 living wage

McDonnell's speech received a standing ovation, the most notable policy was the idea of an independently determined national living wage, likely to be above £10 an hour.

Quote of the day

McDonnell's Imagination - a new style of Lennonism?

“In this party you no longer have to whisper it, it's called Socialism”

The Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell concluding his speech today.

Tweet of the day

The Great Waugh does comedy @PauLWaugh


Picture of the day

Clive Lewis in a huff over speech tampering

When the Shadow Defence Secretary finds out Seamus Milne edited his Trident speech at the last minute.


Video credit Vincent McAviney


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