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How Clarity is supporting UK cybersecurity resilience and growth in 2024

By Liva Emmatty

Senior Account Director


The global cybersecurity industry is experiencing rapid growth, propelled by an escalating wave of cyber threats. This acceleration of cyberattacks comes in response to, and augmented by, high-paced tech advancements like AI, quantum computing, and more advanced security solutions like identity management and IoT (Internet of Things) security. The recent UK Government Cyber Security Breaches Survey revealed that 50% of UK businesses had suffered a cyberattack or security breach in the past 12 months, an increase of 39% from the previous year. And the data is similar wherever you are in the world.

As one of our cybersecurity communications leaders in the UK, I work frequently with cybersecurity brands, thought leaders, and media navigating this environment in real time. In this article, I’ll share the latest ‘need-to-know’ information on the UK’s cybersecurity landscape, alongside some insight on the value Clarity can bring to cyber organisations, both from a marketing and communications perspective, but also through our close relationship with the Cybersecurity Business Network (CBN).

State of the UK cybersecurity industry

Over the last year, the UK’s cybersecurity sector has shown significant resilience and growth, with a 13% increase in sector revenue, creating 2,700 new jobs despite global challenges. 

As per Ipsos, Perspective Economics, and the Centre for Secure Information Technologies’ (CSIT) recent analysis of the industry, there are approximately 60,689 Full Time Equivalents working in cybersecurity related roles; an estimated increase of 2,700 cybersecurity employee jobs within the last 12 months. The report further highlights that total annual revenue within the sector has reached £11.9 billion in the most recent financial year; an increase of around 13% since last year’s study.

Policy and regulation’s impact on the UK’s cybersecurity industry

Cybersecurity policy and regulation changes continue to shape how the UK’s cybersecurity industry flourishes, and enhance the country’s capabilities to mitigate the sophisticated cyber threat landscape. 

With the 2024 General Election coming up on July 4th, both the Conservative and Labour parties are neck deep in their campaigns. It’s interesting to note that cybersecurity is not a key priority for either party, despite  recent cyberattacks on London hospitals that impacted 800 planned operations, and 700 outpatient appointments. While the hospitals are still grappling with the aftermath of the cyberattacks, it’s now emerged they had known about the cyber vulnerabilities abused by the cybercriminals for several years before the attack, which infers this was not considered a priority to fix. 

As cybercrime continues to grow in sophistication, our most critical industries are still struggling to defend against this challenge. I hope we will see more action from the next Government to provide stronger guidance, working in tandem with the cybersecurity sector.

Clarity’s investment and commitment to the cybersecurity industry

Cybersecurity is a vital enabler of economic growth globally, and increases resilience across verticals. To further support the industry, we founded the Cybersecurity Business Network (CBN). The CBN is a free community that brings together UK cybersecurity companies to network, learn, and debate across three interconnected pillars – Trade and Export, Government & Policy, and Market Insights. 

The CBN empowers its members to showcase their expertise, engage strategically with stakeholders across Government, CNI and private sectors, and foster lasting partnerships across key sectors, aiming to drive policy influence and catalyse innovation within the UK cybersecurity sector. The objective of this work is to help the industry promote its capabilities, support innovation, and communicate key messages.

At Clarity, we specialise in supporting cybersecurity organisations to reach, inform, and educate their audiences using intelligence-led, measurable marketing and communications.

Want to find out more about how Clarity can support your cybersecurity business to grow and reach audiences with meaningful communications and smart marketing? Contact us here.For those interested in joining the free membership of CBN or learning more about how they can contribute to and benefit from this initiative, please visit

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