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Monday at #CPC16

The economy has been the dominant theme today at the Conservative Party Conference and you can see below for our top policy, quote, picture and tweet of the day. The PI team are in Birmingham for the Conference and follow us @Politicalintel for our take on the conference.

Policy of the day

 Hammond scraps the fiscal charter and guarantees EU grants

In a speech that saw few new policy announcements, Hammond guaranteed to continue payments of any multi-year EU grants secured by British businesses before the UK's withdrawal.

Notably, the Chancellor also abandoned his predecessor's commitment to achieving a budget surplus by 2020.


Quote of the day

“'I’ll be honest with you: I had no idea until a few weeks ago just how much I don’t know!"

Phillip Hammond on technology.


Tweet of the day

Philip Hammond talks about "advanced robotics". Judging by this performance, he seems to be something of an expert in them.

— Andy Burnham (@andyburnhammp) 3 October 2016

Picture of the day

Boarderline incompetent UKIP banner



Video credit @Otto_English


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