Scaling at the edge

Clarity is a leading global marketing and communications agency driven by a belief in the power of technology to make a positive impact on the world.

Only one in 200 startups attain scaleup status according to research by Deloitte and THNK. While that’s a great achievement, even reaching this point is no guarantee of future success. In fact, 70% of scaleups fail.

There are, of course, a multitude of reasons for this. Every business is unique and has its own path and challenges. However, in looking at this statistic from a comms and marketing perspective, the most fundamental change when scaling is the nature of a business’s audience.

We call this the “apathy gap”, and it can be found in both B2B and B2C audiences, and it refers to the phenomenon that, as you scale, your audience increasingly is less likely to care about you at all.

If that sounds depressing to you, as a brand marketer, don’t be defeated. In fact, our research proves the fact that when brand matters less, brand marketing matters more. The most successful scaleup (and beyond) brands got to where they are today by investing heavily in brand marketing, crossing the gap between a highly engaged early adopter audience and a more apathetic early majority audience.

Sound counterintuitive? We know. That’s why we did the research to explain it.

Download the report - Scaling at the edge - below to read more. We’ve even included a Fearless Manifesto with bold steps to take as you cross the gap and use the apathy of the early majority audience to your benefit.

Let us know what you think once you’ve read, we could talk about this all day… and would love to do that with you.

Read the report here.


Fearless tactics to achieve your strategic success

As a consultancy, our full-funnel marketing and communications solutions are designed to fearlessly deliver business results across multiple industries and service areas.


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