Smarter together: The convergence of digital and comms

At Clarity, we believe in perfecting the blend of art and science in our client campaigns. Nowhere more so than through combining digital and comms expertise to give our clients that vital edge. 

In our opinion, clients shouldn’t have to go to different agencies for services as inherently intertwined as comms and digital. Bringing them under one roof delivers better results and better ROI on many levels. 

For one, given the soaring credibility of earned media in an increasingly fragmented landscape, it’s a smart move to employ SEO and other digital techniques to media relations progammes allowing clients to optimise reach and connect with their target audience. 

For another, the pace at which communications channels and digital marketing are changing isn’t slowing down anytime soon. A Google executive recently revealed that around 40% of Gen Z consumers are using TikTok and Instagram for certain kinds of search, not the once seemingly invulnerable Google. 

Behaviour shifts like this present brands with huge opportunities, but capitalising on  them calls for the sweeping away of silos in favour of convergence. When working at pace (which, let’s face it, is the way we all work these days) it would be almost impossible to identify the audience journey, craft the messaging, deploy it and measure the impact if your setup consisted of multiple agency teams. Think how much needless back and forth this would require in terms of campaign coordination across agencies and consolidating end of month reporting; a waste of that precious asset, time. Not to mention you’d run the risk that by the time the insight was established, applied to the strategy and executed, the landscape would have shifted yet again.

In such a world, it’s imperative to be able to bring all analytics together in one dashboard, allowing us to see every nuance across all facets of a campaign. In this way we can identify real impact and fix what isn’t working. 

For instance, coverage in a Tier-3 publication with only a modest UVPM (unique visitors per month) total would on the face of it seem unimportant. But what if that one article correlated to a spike in direct traffic? And what backlink value does it bring for SEO?

Or how about a social media post containing a CTA which delivered high reach and engagement? Sounds amazing! Not if it turns out the landing page people were directed to saw no increase in visitors.

Historically, measurement came low on the list of priorities for comms professionals. Those days are over, and rightly so. Analytics adds value to even the most basic media relations programs, allowing us to assess where we need to be and pivot quickly. 

Analytics fuels that conversation and is the way in which we track how well our pivots perform. Evidence extracted from the data gives us the confidence to be fearless and flexible, to help our clients redefine the world through technology. Those agencies unable or unwilling to invest in digital measurement, and there are still a great many of them, are doomed to fall behind. 

Clients face a deluge of challenges, “now, near or next”. The support required at launch is vastly different to what’s needed for a fundraising round or ahead of an IPO. Using feedback loops made possible by the integration of digital and comms, we can leverage our data and insights to mature clients’ campaigns as they scale, adapting immediately to new circumstances. 

We have always been staunch advocates of comms and digital working hand in hand. Without doubt, it’s a massive step change from the old media clippings days. Through analytics we can shape marketing activity that has a positive business impact and shed a light for investors on the performance of companies they are backing. That’s why we’re so tightly embracing the convergence of art and science.


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