The Pitfalls of “Tactification” and How To Avoid Them

I’ll start with an apology: “tactification” is jargon isn’t it? Sorry for that, but Mark Ritson’s invented word still seems the best way to capture an all too familiar approach in the PR and marketing world: skipping straight to the tactics.

The business problem is glazed over, the audience is based on assumptions and so the strategy becomes (something like) “let’s create some buzz!”; and where does that lead the activity? Marketers chase the bright, shiny new tactics like magpies.

Measure the vanity metrics (8billion people reached, 560,000 engagements!) then rinse and repeat…

That’s not how we do things at Clarity and it’s not how we want our industry to do things either. That’s why we’ve collaborated with the best and brightest minds across the communications industry to form AMEC’s Planning Initiative. 

AMEC holds the gold standard of communication measurement, via its Integrated Evaluation Framework, and - hot off the press - the Planning Initiative has launched invaluable material on how to use it for communications planning. 

By following these steps, you’ll cast out “tactification” and create genuinely impactful work (and be able to prove it too!)Check it out here:


Fearless tactics to achieve your strategic success

As a consultancy, our full-funnel marketing and communications solutions are designed to fearlessly deliver business results across multiple industries and service areas.


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